Monday, November 26, 2007

picnic in the wind and the cold and the park

ok, well finally the election is over! thank goodness. i was so sick of all the stuff and the carry on. my mail box at home was just so full of all this recycling - i gotta tell you that i didn't open most of it but i just 'filed' it in my nice handy green filing cabinet. this really nice man comes along once a fortnight and collects all the filing. i suppose that if i ever want anything i would just ask him and he would bring it back for me... not that i have ever asked for anything back mind you, well not for lots of years now! ;-)
so how was your weekend? we had a picnic afa Church on Sunday night. it was really great - apart from the fact it was about 2 degrees with the wind. I'm just not prepared for all that cold as we head towards summer. but seriously, its just so important to get together and be church not just talk about it. it means so much if we actually take the time to connect, to listen and to laugh together. this is a big theme that i would like to explore some more.
what do others think? how do you see us as a church doing community??what would real community look like for you?
well more on that later...!

Monday, November 19, 2007

ok so its time to get back to it

well, its been a really long time since i last made a blog! shame on me... but i aim to mend my ways.
i am wondering what sort of things i should be blogging about? i mean do you want ot hear about my life? or my thoughts on life? do you want to know about carpentry or what it is like to drive an old Hilux Ute? actually there are so many topics i don't quite know where to begin.

how about the election, i don't know about you but i am really looking forward to all the who ha being finished and done with! it seems to be going on and on and on - you get the point? i wonder what God thinks of all the carry on? i saw a whole stack of signs defaced along Goodwood rd the other day and i thought that we are becoming like those americans - all fanatical and stuff. soon there will be people marching down my street with plackards telling me what to do - heaven forbid. anyway i hope it will be soon over, for all of our sakes.
talk soon.